They are energetic and friendly – making them and a great breed for kids.
They will lay around 3-4 blue eggs per week. We are currently raising this breed and their eggs really are so pretty! I love seeing them mixed in with the brown eggs. AmeraucanaĪmeracuana’s are known for their light blue eggs. Golden Comets get along well with other breeds and are a great for a beginner. They are an excellent egg laying chicken, laying about 5-6 brown eggs per week. I was sold on Golden Comets after that! We have now added them to our flock and they’ve adjusted well. I could not believe how friendly they were! They didn’t run from the kids (and we had a lot of kids there). I went to a friend’s house last year and she had Golden Comets. Golden Comets are a cross between a White Rock Hen and a New Hampshire rooster. They also don’t mind being held, so they would be great to add to your flock! 6. It’s been said that they can be shy at first, but they are a fast growing breed and adjust well. They also make good mothers and sittersĪustralorps are a great beginner breed if you’re just getting started. They are one of the top egg laying chickens around, laying about 5 pale brown eggs per week.
Australorps are extremely calm, easy going and friendly.